
I had no training and purely took this up as a hobby. I have played Guitars (badly) for most of my life and building them for me was a natural progression especially in retirement when I now have the time.

These builds, if nothing else, helped me learn about the Art of a Luthier, a voyage of discovery. I learned a lot from my mistakes which may well not be the way to go about this but certainly gave me confidence especially as, when I run into problems, - which I still do - hopefully I have the experience to know how to solve them.


From starting to build and finish Kits several years ago whilst living in France to building my own bodies this journey has been exciting to say the least.

On returning to the UK I did not bring any of my tools with me as not knowing where we would live I did not know if I would have the space for a workshop.

The House we purchased had a small Garage which I have made my Workshop and over the last couple of years got together my "tools" again. I did not purchase all new items as my budget would not allow this and have obtained many hand tools second hand vie eBay. I will say at this point that anyone starting out on this adventure should consider old tools such as Chisels, Gouges, Planes, Saws etc. as there is a lot of excellent used equipment out there especially with cutting tools and in my opinion some of the "old" tools are far better than some of the new stuff available.

I now have several "machines" that help me in my work including a CNC machine which, after many hours of head scratching, I am slowly learning.

Make learning how to sharpen tools your first task.


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